Services we provide to you
At Trask Mtn. Lock and Key, we offer multiple services for Residential, Commercial and Auto.
We Make Keys
We duplicate a wide range of keys from common to no so common. We can also originate keys, which means if you have no key or it is worn beyond duplicating, we can produce a factory spec. key from scratch.
Our Technicians can change the combo and service your safe or open it if you have lost your combination.
We install commercial door hardware like Door Closers, Panic Bars, Exit devices, Exit Alarms, and Electronic door access control.
Master Key Systems
We can create and help you maintain a key system that works for you. A master key system is a balancing act between convenience and security. Our technicians can help you find that balance.
Do you know when you last re keyed your home? We can rekey your home, Auto or Business.
We respond 24 hours a day and 7 days a week to lock out emergencies.